When you need a little something extra that your regular veterinarian may not offer. From laser therapy to acupuncture to nutritional guidance and more, count on these trusted resources to give your pet that help.
Holistic Veterinary House Calls
Traditional Chinese Veterinary medicine for your animal athletes and pets in the comfort of your home or barn.
Whether your goals are an Olympic Medal, National Championship, Best in Show or a healthy, happy life on the sofa with the occasional frolic in the backyard, we can help. We work with your veterinarian to give your pet the very best treatment.
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine treatments alone, or in conjunction with Western Medicine may alleviate muscle and joint pain, skin itching, behavior issues, anxiety, as well as other ailments.
We offer veterinary acupuncture, rehab programs, chiropractic care, herbal and laser therapy, wellness consults and natural supplements for your dogs, cats, horses and other pets. We also provide in-home service for sick pets that need help crossing the rainbow bridge peacefully.
Call for a consultation: Dr. Wendy Ying, DVM & Dr. Kyle Swanson, DC 941-320-8684\ or email: [email protected]