By Amy Di Piazza There is so much confusion about service dogs, therapy animals and emotional support animals (ESA’s)- what they are and what they do. There is also a lot of misinformation continually spread by well meaning (and not so well meaning) people and businesses. Let’s take a look at some of this confusion […]
Sarasota Dog News
The Making of a Dog Bar
Mindy Kauffman, co-founder of Boo’s Ice House and Dog Bar in Sarasota Florida joins the Rover Reporter for a candid chat. Creating an indoor space where dogs and people can converge is not an easy feat. The idea first popped about 5 years ago and through careful research, study and blood, sweat and tears the […]
A Dog-Friendly RV Trip – The North Shore of Minnesota
By Dr. Sue Nielsen The scenic roads along the North Shore of Minnesota offer breathtaking views of Lake Superior. State parks along the coastline that provide opportunities for hiking and stunning vistas. You can also explore charming towns with local cuisine and moose-themed gifts. In the Spring, the weather is cool and comfortable, a welcome […]
Healthy, homemade dog food from Dr. Wendy Ying
Welcome to Dr. Wendy’s homemade dog food recipe, a balanced meal that is both nutritious and economical! This recipe combines proteins, vegetables, and grains to ensure your furry friend gets all the essential nutrients. Not only is it cost-effective, but it also allows you to control the quality of ingredients your dog consumes. Let’s dive […]
Managing the Canine Circus – multi-dog households
by Amy Di Piazza of Essential Canines Introduction What’s better than the pitter-patter of paws in your home? The answer is simple – multiple pitter-patters! To successfully navigate the joyful chaos of a multi-dog household, a few rules can make life flow smoothly. Much like managing a troupe of energetic kids, maintaining order is essential. […]