Dr. Wendy Ying of 5 Elements for Animals spoke with a group of Sarasota Dog Meetup members on Saturday, about acupuncture and other traditional Chinese veterinary medicine modalities.
Chinese veterinary medicine is based on a 5 element theory and that each individual dog’s personality can be aligned with one of the five elements; fire, wood, earth, water, or metal. Once a diagnosis of the type of personality is made, it can be helpful in determining a treatment program.
Usually when pet parents think of acupuncture it is in aid of helping with a muscular-skeletal issues, arthritis, lameness or an injury. But in reality acupuncture can help with allergies, digestive issues, skin disease and a host of other issues. An acupuncture treatment may be accompanied by chiropractic alignment which will work together to bring more blood to the nervous system.
There are 12 paired regular channels in animals that relate to the organs and 8 extraordinary channels, 2 of which follow the midline. The Governing vessel on the dorsal midline and Conception vessel on the ventral midline. There are also collateral and divergent channels that are smaller branches of the major meridians that link the organs and meridians to one and other to form an intricately connected pathway throughout the body.
Dr. Ying is a graduate of the Chi Institute, the large program outside of China. Until 2012, she practiced traditional veterinary medicine but in 2012 became interested in treating dogs with more than pharmaceuticals. 5 Elements for Animals is a mobile practice and will work hand-in-hand with your regular veterinarian.
A demonstration of the Chinese massage technique Tui Na, where the skin around the spine is gently gathered and rolled up from the base of the tail to the neck. Tiki thoroughly enjoyed the process.
If you are interested in learning more about 5 Elements for Animals or booking an appointment with Dr. Ying, please visit 5 Elements for Animals or call 941-487-0227.
Many thanks to Bayside Pet Resort Osprey for hosting our meeting! To join the Sarasota Dog Meetup, please visit meetup.com